Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Building Our Future Together
The 2044 Comprehensive Plan is adopted!
Successful change doesn't happen to communities, but with them.
The Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) is our shared vision to guide Kent’s growth over the next 20 years. It is a road map to guide both short-and long-term strategic policy, decision-making, and investments relating to housing and development, jobs, transportation, environmental resources, climate resiliency, and other important topics that impact daily life.
Updated every 10 years as required by the State of Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA), the Plan is a living document that incorporates community voices, responds to changing trends, and builds upon numerous prior planning efforts to ensure the City meets its allocated growth targets of 10,200 new housing units and 32,000 new jobs.The Comprehensive Plan envisions a future where existing residents and future generations thrive in Kent.
What will Kent look like in the next 20 years? Check out the Executive Summary to see the "Big Moves" the City has planned for our future!
The 2044 Comprehensive Plan is adopted!
Successful change doesn't happen to communities, but with them.
The Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) is our shared vision to guide Kent’s growth over the next 20 years. It is a road map to guide both short-and long-term strategic policy, decision-making, and investments relating to housing and development, jobs, transportation, environmental resources, climate resiliency, and other important topics that impact daily life.
Updated every 10 years as required by the State of Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA), the Plan is a living document that incorporates community voices, responds to changing trends, and builds upon numerous prior planning efforts to ensure the City meets its allocated growth targets of 10,200 new housing units and 32,000 new jobs.The Comprehensive Plan envisions a future where existing residents and future generations thrive in Kent.
What will Kent look like in the next 20 years? Check out the Executive Summary to see the "Big Moves" the City has planned for our future!
Kent Baseline Conditions - A Story Map
Share Kent Baseline Conditions - A Story Map on Facebook Share Kent Baseline Conditions - A Story Map on Twitter Share Kent Baseline Conditions - A Story Map on Linkedin Email Kent Baseline Conditions - A Story Map linkKent has released an interactive "storymap" that provides information about the City as it is today! This will help inform the comprehensive plan, as it serves as the baseline conditions report on which all of the new goals and policies are based. The report contains an overview of the City of Kent, maps, and figures about Kent's Zoning, Land Use, People, Parks, Transportation, and the Environment!
Learn more about our City by clicking the image below or visiting: Kent Comprehensive Plan 2044 (
Outreach Updates!
Share Outreach Updates! on Facebook Share Outreach Updates! on Twitter Share Outreach Updates! on Linkedin Email Outreach Updates! linkWhat have we done so far?
- Interactive Community Engagement: Hosted and joined over 15 interactive events at various locations in multiple languages.
- Engaged with youth and students to understand their aspirations and concerns.
- Conducted a community survey with 448 participants.
- Incorporated community input and existing conditions into three future growth alternatives that will be analyzed in a Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
What have we learned so far?
Inclusive + Diverse + Dynamic
The various community engagement activities highlighted a future that prioritizes community wellness, a healthy environment, and housing options for all. Participants voiced support for a welcoming, collaborative, and inclusive community where residents are valued and their cultures and varying perspectives continue to be celebrated. The community emphasized the need for diverse and affordable housing options, suggesting measures such as integrating mixed-use developments into the existing neighborhoods, supporting neighborhood scaled commercial to activate places while creating or enhancing a person’s connection to Kent.
Forward Thinking + Sustainable + Connected
Community engagement participants desire more connections to services and places through more east-west public transit options and, overall, safer connections throughout the City. Ultimately, leading to better mobility for all, particularly for folks that need direct access to essential services. Participants also emphasized the desire for an economic landscape that attracts and sustains industries for well-paying jobs. Innovation hubs, job training programs, and increased collaboration with local businesses were specific ideas. While mobility and economic development were important to residents, participants underscored the importance of protecting the green spaces and natural areas that are characteristic of Kent and the need to implement strategies that address environmental justice inequities.
Follow Project
Final Draft - 2044 Comprehensive Plan
- Executive Summary
- 2044 Comprehensive Plan
Appendices by Chapter
- Appendix A - Community Engagement Summaries (3.83 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix B - Existing Conditions and Baseline Assessment (102 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix C - 2035 Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies Equity and Inclusive Communities (841 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix D - Land Capacity Analysis (4.6 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix E - Kent Housing Options Plan (49.3 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix F - Racially Disparate Impact Analysis (3.14 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix G - Emergency and Supportive Housing Analysis (405 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix H - Existing and Future Vehicle Levels of Service (234 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix I - Kent Capital Improvement Plan (2.96 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix J - Kent School District CFP (9.99 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix K - Highline School District CFP (988 KB) (pdf)
- Appendix L - Renton School District CFP (2.85 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix M - Federal Way School District CFP (1.09 MB) (pdf)
- Appendix N - Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority CFP (1.36 MB) (pdf)
Project Schedule
Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Building Our Future Together has finished this stage- Completed Spring – Fall 2023
- Developed Community Vision and Goals
- SEPA Scoping
- Phase 1 Public Engagement: Vision and Goals Results
Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Building Our Future Together has finished this stage- Completed Fall – Winter 2023
- Alternatives for Future Land Use and Transportation
- Phase 2 Public Engagement: Community Priorities & Future Land Use Results
Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Building Our Future Together has finished this stage- Completed Spring - Fall 2024
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Develop Future Land Use Map
- Release Draft Comprehensive Plan
Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Building Our Future Together has finished this stage- Fall 2024 - December 2024
- Community Review of Draft Comprehensive Plan
- Issue Final EIS
- Adopt Final Comprehensive Plan - December 10, 2024
Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Building Our Future Together is currently at this stageHere are a few projects already underway to implement the Comprehensive Plan. You can expect more projects, updates, and opportunities for community engagement in 2025!
- Housing Code Updates
- ReDiscover Downtown Plan
- Benson Corridor
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to view answers to frequently asked questions!
- What is a Comprehensive Plan and why does it matter?
- Why is Kent updating our Comprehensive Plan?
- What topics does the Comprehensive Plan address?
- How will this affect Kent's growth and land use?
- What changes will be in the final update?
- What will the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) assess?
- How can I get involved?
SEPA EIS Documents
Community Advisory Group
- Kent Community Advisory Group Charter (142 KB) (pdf)
- February 21, 2024 - Community Advisory Group Meeting # 1 Summary (120 KB) (pdf)
- April 17, 2024 - Community Advisory Group Meeting #2 Summary (1.24 MB) (pdf)
- July 10, 2024 - Community Advisory Group Meeting #3 Summary.pdf (321 KB) (pdf)
- August 14, 2024 Community Advisory Group Meeting #4.pdf (255 KB) (pdf)
Outreach Photos
Land Use and Planning Board (LUPB) & Council Presentations
Who's Listening
Phone (253) 856-5441 Email -
Phone 253-856-5461 Email