Round 2 Community Engagement Survey

Welcome to the Comprehensive Plan 2044 Policy Survey!

This survey is designed for you to share your thoughts on the updated Vision, Guiding Principles, and Policy Directions to guide for the future of our community. By participating, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts with the City staff and decision-makers.

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What is the Comprehensive Plan Update?

Kent is updating its Comprehensive Plan, outlining the city's strategic roadmap towards 2044. The City plans to adopt these updates by December 2024.

The Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) is our shared, long-term vision to guide the City’s growth over the next 20 years. The Plan is a road map for policy, decision-making and investments in both the short- and long-term relating to housing and development, jobs, transportation, environmental resources, climate resiliency, and other important topics that impact daily life. A successful Comprehensive Plan is driven by community values and needs because successful change doesn’t happen to communities, but with them.

This survey invites you to share your thoughts on the Vision, Guiding Principles, and Policy Direction shaping the ongoing update for Kent's Comprehensive Plan. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!

To learn more about the Comprehensive Plan update visit If you have additional input or questions, please email

Note: This survey is similar but not the same as a separate forum we are currently using to collect feedback. We heard from several people they want to provide input but do not feel comfortable creating an account on the other platform. This survey was created to be responsive to these concerns. It provides you the opportunity to share your thoughts and why you responded a certain way. However, it does not provide the same functionality to interact with other people's feedback.