4th Avenue and Willis Street Greenways

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Consultation has concluded

aerial image facing east of the 4th and Willis Round about

Construction has ended! Come enjoy the new Greenways. 

The Kent Downtown Reactivation & Access Project is a multi-phased project coordinated between the Public Works and Parks Departments. The first phase, completed by Public Works, is the 4th and Willis Streets Roundabout. The second phase addresses the adjoining greenways to the north and south of Willis Street along SR516, to be completed by the Parks Department. The outcome of the joint departmental project will be welcoming and safe gateways to the city for visitors, workers, and residents with increased connectivity between Kent’s downtown businesses, transit hubs and regional trails through streetscape amenities, street trees and vegetated buffers, lighting, multimodal promenades and walkways, art work that reflects Kent’s diverse community, and other improvements.

Construction has ended! Come enjoy the new Greenways. 

The Kent Downtown Reactivation & Access Project is a multi-phased project coordinated between the Public Works and Parks Departments. The first phase, completed by Public Works, is the 4th and Willis Streets Roundabout. The second phase addresses the adjoining greenways to the north and south of Willis Street along SR516, to be completed by the Parks Department. The outcome of the joint departmental project will be welcoming and safe gateways to the city for visitors, workers, and residents with increased connectivity between Kent’s downtown businesses, transit hubs and regional trails through streetscape amenities, street trees and vegetated buffers, lighting, multimodal promenades and walkways, art work that reflects Kent’s diverse community, and other improvements.